20 Florida GIFs that belong in a museum

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This is arguably the most popular Florida GIF of all time. Seriously, anytime there's a "Floridaman" story, someone posts this thing.
This is arguably the most popular Florida GIF of all time. Seriously, anytime there's a "Floridaman" story, someone posts this thing.
Whenever you have a great comeback or a sick burn, Dancing Tampa Bay Bucs kid is the right choice when it comes to GIFs.
Whenever you have a great comeback or a sick burn, Dancing Tampa Bay Bucs kid is the right choice when it comes to GIFs.
And every time it rains, which is every day, someone posts this classic GIF.
And every time it rains, which is every day, someone posts this classic GIF.
This isn't necessarily a Florida GIF, but it perfectly encapsulates anytime we find an unexpected pest in our house, which is all the time.
This isn't necessarily a Florida GIF, but it perfectly encapsulates anytime we find an unexpected pest in our house, which is all the time.
There's just soo many Florida penis jokes.
There's just soo many Florida penis jokes.
Seriously, almost too many.
Seriously, almost too many.
It is very phallic, which is why this GIF is hilarious.
It is very phallic, which is why this GIF is hilarious.
Speaking of which, this local pilot deserves a metal. Thank you for your service.
Speaking of which, this local pilot deserves a metal. Thank you for your service.
Shaq's entire career was GIF-worthy and one's career had more gold standard celebratory GIFs.
Shaq's entire career was GIF-worthy and one's career had more gold standard celebratory GIFs.
This Tampa bicyclist GIF will live on long after we're dead.
This Tampa bicyclist GIF will live on long after we're dead.
Yeah, we have some pretty epic thunder storms.
Yeah, we have some pretty epic thunder storms.
And some pretty epic meth heads.
And some pretty epic meth heads.
These old-timey GIFs are the best.
These old-timey GIFs are the best.
It's like one of those fun postcards, but animated! Too bad we don't have a rail system that efficient.
It's like one of those fun postcards, but animated! Too bad we don't have a rail system that efficient.
The hadouken Florida Gator Man, a GIF classic.
The hadouken Florida Gator Man, a GIF classic.
This hamster represents the hungry little Disney hamster in all of us.
This hamster represents the hungry little Disney hamster in all of us.
Super serious Gator fan should have his own wing of a museum.
Super serious Gator fan should have his own wing of a museum.
If you drop the ultimate pun, you need the ultimate pun GIF.
If you drop the ultimate pun, you need the ultimate pun GIF.
No one has done a better robot since.
No one has done a better robot since.
Everyone's Florida self is better.
Everyone's Florida self is better.