Look up, Orlando: The ‘Super Pink Moon’ will be at its brightest tonight

While human civilization goes totally clownshoes, nature is just getting on with it. In fact, in a gift we may not deserve, the skies will be a little brighter this evening when the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year happens, says NASA.

The “Super Pink Moon” should be at its peak illumination on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:35 p.m EDT. 

The supermoon, which occurs when there’s a full moon and the Earth is closer to the moon than usual, will appear 15 percent brighter than an average moon and 30 percent brighter than a micro-moon, says NASA

However, the moon won’t actually look pink. That name comes from the herb “moss pink,” also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox or mountain phlox, which one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring in the Eastern United States.

The Pink Moon has also traditionally been called the Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Egg Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Paschal Moon, Hanuman Jayanti or Bak Poya. It's also the known as the Pesach or Passover Moon, as Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 8, in 2020.

The next supermoon, and the last of 2020, will happen May 7.

To celebrate, let's all listen to a little Nick Drake, shall we?

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Jessica Bryce Young

Jessica Bryce Young has been working with Orlando Weekly since 2003, serving as copy editor, dining editor and arts editor before becoming editor in chief in 2016.
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