Gargamel!, Cruel Curses and The Ludes make for a night of Central Florida heaviness at Will's Pub this weekend

There will be riffs

Gargamel! play Will's Pub on Saturday - Photo via Gargamel!/Facebook
Photo via Gargamel!/Facebook
Gargamel! play Will's Pub on Saturday
It'll be a night of vintage Orlando heaviness — with the added benefit of Tampa Bay's Cruel Curses — on Saturday when Gargamel!, The Ludes and Cruel Curses take over Will's Pub.

Orlando gig-goers are well familiar with the bluesy tonnage of The Ludes and Gargamel!'s performance-art-metal, but Saturday's show is a good chance to get acquainted with the groovy roar of Cruel Curses.

Gargamel!, The Ludes and Cruel Curses play Will's Pub on Saturday, Aug. 24, at 9 p.m. The cover charge at the door is $10.

Location Details

Will's Pub

1042 N. Mills Ave., Orlando Mills 50

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