Bloom Dream, Flowers for Emily and Soap Box Derby bring big, woolly sonics to Orlando's Framework Coffee

Young shoegaze excellence all night

Bloom Dream, Flowers for Emily and Soap Box Derby bring big, woolly sonics to Orlando's Framework Coffee
Photo courtesy Bloom Dream/Facebook
Don’t let the under-the-radar names and the coffeehouse setting fool you. This showcase is a fine sampler of promising young bands packing some big, woolly sonics.

Miami’s Bloom Dream have a vast sound that swathes the dynamics and emotion of post-hardcore with the mystique of shoegaze. Orlando’s Flowers for Emily straddle similarly stirring ground with their emo-gaze, and Soap Box Derby are some of the newest local shoegaze hopefuls.

8 p.m. Saturday, June 22, Framework Craft Coffee House, $12-$15.

Location Details

Framework Craft Coffee House

1201 N. Mills Ave., Orlando Mills 50


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