Summer Sipping to Save Nora’s raises funds for the Virginia Drive bar this weekend

Drinks, food, cigars and live music

click to enlarge Nora's Sugar throws a fundraiser this weekend - Photo via Nora’s Sugar Shack
Nora's Sugar throws a fundraiser this weekend
The folks who run delightfully eccentric Virginia Drive mainstay and watering hole Nora’s Sugar Shack are holding a hail-Mary event this weekend to keep their business going.

A $100 donation nets you endless beer, wines and sundry spirits, a food ticket and some cigars. There will also be live music, art, vendors and food on offer.

The basic gist is that they’re trying to buy their building outright and have until the end of June to raise the necessary dough for a down payment. If they close down, it’s going to be made into something infinitely more boring and bougie, so you know what to do.

8 p.m., Saturday, June 22, Nora’s Sugar Shack, 636 Virginia Drive,, $100.

Location Details

Nora's Sugar Shack

636 Virginia Drive, Orlando Ivanhoe Village


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